Energy healing is a holistic practice that uses life force energy to remove blocks and stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. The energy healing therapist helps bring the clients energy field into balance and improve the health and wellness of mind, body and spirit. Using energy medicine can help re-balance the body and improve well-being.
A Psychic is a person who is sensitive to psychic influences or forces of a non physical or supernatural nature. Psychic meaning “soul to soul”. This helps you bring clarity to your questions about love, career, relationships, money and more. A medium is someone who is able to communicate with souls on the other side. Someone who has a fine tuned their extrasensory perception and can talk to the spirit world. A medium makes connections with and delivers messages from people who are no longer living to those who still are. Mediums work as a bridge between the spiritual and physical world with the intention of healing both worlds.
Quantum Touch is an energy healing technique that is unique in both speed and effectiveness, producing the most remarkable results many have ever seen in any healing modality yet. It is a method of natural energy healing that works with the Life Force Energy of the body. The body has an astounding ability to heal itself.
Quantum Touch is a method of energy healing that uses very specific breathing techniques and body awareness to create a powerful, natural field of energy healing. Quantum Touch is a highly effective method for reducing back pain, realigning structure, reducing muscle aches, reducing headaches and migraines, healing injuries and much more.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a non-invasive technique to promote healing by releasing congestion from the energy centers to enable a good flow of energy in the body. It is administered by “laying on hands” on major energy centers (chakras) of the body and is based on the idea of channeling universal light and love through a practitioner to a client. This may also be done distantly.
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. The word Shamanism can be used to describe the ancient spiritual practices of the indigenous cultures. The use of drums and rattles are very symbolic of the awakened state between our world and the spirit world they connect with. Shamanism is used to retrieve information for your healing and growth.